Street Dice Pt9

Today I worked on the UIController and moved all the console.log calls. I am hoping this will make it easy when I transition to the browser. But first we need to create a real game controller to try to play several round until one player goes broke. Here is today’s coding session on youTube:

Street Dice Pt 6

Today our goal is to update the function for the final value in our game debug menu which is resolveBet(). Last video we ran into an issue where we tried to nest a question in our debug interface. So what happened was when we selected to set the bet, we needed to then input a […]

Create Dice Game pt 5

Now that we have a game object we need to update all of our existing functions and modify our resolveDice() function so that it doesn’t loop. Here is the new resolveDice() function. Next I need to handle setting the bet and resolving the bet, then work on a game controller. And finally create a web […]

Trying to Understand MongoDB Data Modelling

I am currently taking a node.js, express, and mongoDB bootcamp on Udemy by Jonas Schmedtmann and I am struggling a bit to understand data modeling so today I rewatched the two class videos that cover this in detail, and took the following notes: Data Modeling Real world scenario -> Unstructured Data -> Structured, logical […]